tips for protecting your good health

tips for protecting your good health

4 Common Causes Of Joint Inflammation

by Sasha Meyer

It can be very painful when the joints become inflamed. People who experience joint inflammation usually describe the pain as an ache. Others say that joint inflammation causes discomfort or soreness. No matter what type of pain one feels, joint inflammation can greatly reduce one's quality of life. While there are treatment options for joint inflammation, the type of treatment often depends on the cause.

Here are four common causes of joint inflammation.

1. Arthritis

According to the CDC, over 54 million adults in the United States have arthritis. This condition affects various joints in the body, including the hips, knees, shoulders, hands, and feet.

Some types of arthritis include:

  • Osteoarthritis. This type of arthritis is also called degenerative arthritis and occurs when the joints start to break down.
  • Gout. A type of arthritis that occurs when urate crystals accumulate inside the joints.
  • Infectious arthritis. This kind of arthritis occurs when a virus or bacteria causes an infection in the joints.

Treatment options for arthritis include prescription medications, topical pain-relieving creams, physical therapy, weight loss, and exercise. Surgery is a treatment option for severe cases of arthritis.

2. Autoimmune Disorders

According to the latest statistics, there are over 80 different kinds of autoimmune disorders. Some autoimmune disorders cause the body to attack the joint tissue.

Here are some of those autoimmune disorders:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis. Along with joint inflammation, this disease can cause deformed joints and bone erosion.
  • Psoriatic arthritis. A painful condition that usually affects the fingers, but can also spread to the spine.
  • Lupus. Along with joint pain, this autoimmune disorder causes rashes, fatigue, and fever.

There is no cure for autoimmune disorders. The goal of treatment is to manage the symptoms to reduce pain and inflammation.

3. Injuries

Different types of injuries cause joint inflammation. These kinds of injuries include:

  • Bone fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Torn ligaments
  • Torn tendons

These injuries can be the result of a car accident, falling, slipping, forceful impact, or physical attack. These are all also common sports-related injuries. When these types of injuries occur, it causes nearby joints to swell and become inflamed.

In these cases, the only way to reduce joint inflammation is to treat the injury. Treatment often includes keeping the bone, tendon, or ligament immobilized for a period of time so that it can heal.

4. Food

You may be surprised to know that certain foods cause joint inflammation. Some of these foods include:

  • Sugar
  • Saturated fats
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Gluten

Cutting these foods out of the diet can greatly help to reduce joint inflammation.


About Me

tips for protecting your good health

It wasn't until three of my close family members were diagnosed with cancer that I started taking my personal health seriously. Between the heart problems, the diabetes and now the cancer that runs strong in my family, I know that I don't have much of a future to look forward to unless I start taking care of myself today. How do you do your best to stay healthy? What kind of diet should you follow? How much exercise do you really need? How often should you see a doctor? This blog will help you find the answers to these and many more questions about your health.