tips for protecting your good health

tips for protecting your good health

Addressing Knee Pain With Stem Cell Therapy: Here's What You Need To Know

by Sasha Meyer

Knee pain is often more than just an annoyance. If severe enough, pain in your knee or knees can have a debilitating effect. For instance, knee pain can make it difficult to walk, bend, lift, or perform other daily activities. Whether your pain is caused by arthritis or injury, it is likely that you are seeking a treatment.

Knee pain impacts roughly 19% of the population, and the older you get, the more likely it is that you suffer from it. If you are looking for a treatment that may bring you relief and allow you to enjoy daily tasks again, consider the benefits of stem cell therapy.

What Is Stem Cell Therapy?

If you have never heard of stem cell therapy before, it is a good idea to understand how it works. First, a qualified clinic that offers stem cell therapy will typically use your bone marrow to gather stem cells. Once your bone marrow has been collected, it is placed in a centrifuge to help separate the stem cells from the marrow.

The stems cells are then injected into your knee using a needle rather than a surgical approach. The stem cells work to restore the functions of the knee. It is common to feel a level of relief from your knee pain that is like the level of relief you might feel from complete knee replacement surgery.

Stem Cell Therapy vs. Knee Replacement

Knee replacement surgery is a highly invasive procedure that often leaves you in immense pain as you heal. It can take several weeks for your knee to heal enough that you feel comfortable participating in many daily tasks. Stem cell therapy, on the other hand, is not nearly as invasive since you are simply dealing with a needle rather than a surgery.

You can receive stem cell therapy treatment without the use of heavy sedatives. Although you may experience some pain and discomfort after the treatment session, you are able to return to daily activities far quicker than if you had chosen total knee replacement.

If you are interested in learning more about stem cell therapy as a form of treatment for knee pain, contact a qualified specialist. An expert can answer all your questions or address any concerns you may have. A professional can also help you set up an appointment to determine if you are a good candidate for knee pain stem cell therapy.


About Me

tips for protecting your good health

It wasn't until three of my close family members were diagnosed with cancer that I started taking my personal health seriously. Between the heart problems, the diabetes and now the cancer that runs strong in my family, I know that I don't have much of a future to look forward to unless I start taking care of myself today. How do you do your best to stay healthy? What kind of diet should you follow? How much exercise do you really need? How often should you see a doctor? This blog will help you find the answers to these and many more questions about your health.