tips for protecting your good health

tips for protecting your good health

Understanding Some Key Facts About Prostate Cancer Risk

by Sasha Meyer

One of the most significant health threats for adult men is prostate cancer, though it is also one of the least publicized. The lack of attention to symptoms and risks has led to many misunderstandings. It is important that you understand the truth about prostate cancer risk factors so that you don't dismiss potentially serious concerns. Here are a few important things to know.

Prostate Cancer Can Strike At Any Age

You might believe that you don't need to worry about prostate cancer because you're still in your early adulthood. Although prostate cancer more frequently strikes those in their late adult years, it isn't restricted to that age group. There is no single age at which you are immune to prostate cancer, even with minimal risk factors.

You Don't Need A Family History To Be At Risk

Although a family history of prostate cancer can put you at increased risk of developing the condition, you can still be at risk even if nobody in your family has ever had it. Along with age and family history, some of the other things that can influence your risk include your general health and your lifestyle. It's always a good idea to keep up with the routine screenings even if you don't think you're at risk.

The Early Stages Don't Always Come With Symptoms

It is easy to convince yourself that you have nothing to worry about if you don't have any obvious symptoms of a problem. The truth is that the early stages of prostate cancer don't always come with any actual symptoms. In addition, some symptoms can be easily overlooked or dismissed as part of a different issue. As an example, stiffness in your lower back is easy to dismiss as a pulled muscle or overexertion. In addition, frequent urination can be dismissed as the result of an increase in fluid intake. Both of these symptoms can also signs of prostate cancer. Since it's easy to overlook early signs, it's important that you don't skip your routine screenings and exams. The sooner it's detected, the greater your chances are of a complete recovery after treatment.

The first defense against any serious health condition is awareness and understanding. Prostate cancer is no exception to this. Now that you know the truth about some of the things that are most often misunderstood about this condition, you'll be more aware of the risk you might face. Talk with your physician and a local oncologist, like those at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, for more information if you're diagnosed.


About Me

tips for protecting your good health

It wasn't until three of my close family members were diagnosed with cancer that I started taking my personal health seriously. Between the heart problems, the diabetes and now the cancer that runs strong in my family, I know that I don't have much of a future to look forward to unless I start taking care of myself today. How do you do your best to stay healthy? What kind of diet should you follow? How much exercise do you really need? How often should you see a doctor? This blog will help you find the answers to these and many more questions about your health.